
Panel 1: Metropolitan Histories of the 20th Century

Panel 1: Metropolitan Histories of the 20th Century

Thursday, May 08, 2014
5:30AM - 8:30AM (EDT)
Event Details

Anthony Ross, History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor  [ DOWNLOAD PAPER ]
“‘The Ownership Society’: Mortgage Securitization and the Metropolitan Landscape Since the 1960s”
Mentor: Kim Phillips-Fein, New York University Gallatin School

Brent Cebul, History, University of Virginia [ DOWNLOAD PAPER ]
“Developmental State: The Politics of Business, Poverty, and Economic Empowerment from the New Deal to the New Democrats“
Mentor: Jim Sparrow, University of Chicago

Kelly Richter, History, Stanford University   [ DOWNLOAD PAPER ]
“Uneasy Border State: The Politics and Public Policy of Latino Illegal Immigration in Metropolitan California”
Richter is an immigration policy fellow funded by John and Rosemary Galbraith.
Mentor: Meg Jacobs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Moderator: Claudrena Harold, University of Virginia

If you would like to attend this or any panels associated with the Fellowship Conference, please RSVP to

Thursday, May 08, 2014
5:30AM - 8:30AM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Brent Cebul

Anthony Ross

Kelly Richter

Kim Phillips-Fein

Jim Sparrow

Meg Jacobs

Claudrena Harold