Road to PrezFest 2019
The conservative case for universal health care
Avik Roy, Guian McKee
11:00AM - 12:15PM (EST)
Event Details
Why should conservatives care about achieving universal health care? What policies should they pursue to accomplish it? Can they join Democrats in forging a bipartisan approach? Taking place shortly after the 2018 midterm elections, this discussion will consider potential solutions to the U.S. health care crisis. Within the context of the failure of full ACA repeal, the removal of the individual mandate, and the emergence of a range of new liberal proposals for changes to the system, what are the options for the new Congress? AVIK ROY, a policy researcher, journalist, and advisor, will help explain the conservative case for moving toward a bipartisan, universal health care plan. This conversation will be moderated by GUIAN MCKEE, associate professor of presidential studies at the Miller Center.
This gathering is part of our "Road to the Presidential Ideas Festival 2019"—a series of events leading up to the Presidential Ideas Festival 2019: Democracy in Dialogue to be held in Charlottesville, Virginia, from May 21–23, 2019. "PrezFest 2019," as we call it, will be a bipartisan summit of former White House officials, elected leaders, presidential scholars, business and media leaders, and other experts. Our goal is to rejuvenate the civil dialogue critical for a functional constitutional democracy, focusing on the challenges affecting the executive office by examining the legacies of past presidencies. Please join us! prezfest.org
11:00AM - 12:15PM (EST)
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Guian McKee