U.S. Presidents / Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison

1833 - 1901

Benjamin Harrison

Not all of our people are happy and prosperous; not all of them are virtuous and law-abiding. But on the whole the opportunities offered to the individual to secure the comforts of life are better than are found elsewhere and largely better than they were here one hundred years ago. Inaugural Address


Benjamin Harrison was born in 1833 in North Bend, Ohio, to a prominent family that had a legacy of political activism. After all, he was the grandson of the nation's ninth President, William Henry Harrison. Raised on a farm adjacent to his grandfather's vast estate, Harrison believed he was destined for greatness.

Fast Facts

North Bend, Ohio
Miami University (Ohio), graduated 1852
“Kid Gloves Harrison,” “Little Ben”
October 20, 1853, to Caroline Lavinia Scott (1832–1892). April 6, 1896, to Mary Scott Lord Dimmick (1858–1948)
Russell Benjamin (1854–1936), Mary Scott (1858–1930), Elizabeth (1897–1955)
Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana

Chicago Style

Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia. “Benjamin Harrison.” Accessed March 07, 2025. https://millercenter.org/president/bharrison.

Professor Emeritus of History

Allan B. Spetter

Professor Spetter is a Professor Emeritus of History at Wright State University.