
Election 2024: State of the race

election voting booths and American flags

Election 2024: State of the race

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
4:00PM - 5:15PM (EDT)
Event Details



A week before this year’s historic presidential election, join experts at the Miller Center for a wide-ranging conversation on the state of the race. What happened in previous elections—with one week to go—and what are the key dates and democratic processes that will take place after November 5, 2024?

Organized as a discussion “in the round,” experts will focus on three questions:

  • At a similar point in previous elections, what can we learn from what polling showed vis à vis the final outcome?
  • How are votes are counted in the various swing states, and why does getting the final tally sometimes take so long?
  • How does the Electoral College work, and what are its key certification dates?


This event is co-sponsored by the Miller Center and the Karsh Institute of Democracy.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024
4:00PM - 5:15PM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA
William Antholis headshot

William Antholis

William J. Antholis has served as director and CEO of UVA's Miller Center of Public Affairs since January 2015. In that time, the Miller Center has strengthened its position as the leading nonpartisan research institution on the American presidency and worked with scholars across the University of Virginia to deliver vital research to policymakers and the public. Before coming to the Miller Center, Antholis served as managing director at the Brookings Institution from 2004 to 2014, working directly with Brookings's president and vice presidents. Antholis is the author of Inside Out India and China: Local Politics Go Global (2013) and co-author (with Strobe Talbott) of Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming (2010). He has published articles, book chapters, and opinion pieces on U.S. politics, U.S. foreign policy, international organizations, the G8, climate change, and trade.

ron christie headshot

Ron Christie

Ron Christie is a Miller Center practitioner senior fellow and founder and CEO of Christie Strategies LLC, a full-service communications and issues management firm in Washington, D.C. He was the special assistant to President George W. Bush and deputy assistant to Vice President Richard Cheney for domestic policy. Christie is also the author of three books: Blackwards: How Black Leadership is Returning America to the Days of Separate But Equal, Acting White: The Birth and Death of a Racial Slur, and Black in the White House. Christie served as a resident fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government Institute of Politics at Harvard University and as an inaugural resident fellow at the University of Southern California Center for the Political Future.

Heather K. Evans headshot

Heather Evans

Heather K. Evans is the John Morton Beaty Professor of Political Science at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. Previously, she was an associate professor in the department of political science at Sam Houston State University. Her primary research interests are political engagement, competitive congressional elections, social media, and the effect of entertainment media on political attitudes. She is the author of Competitive Elections and Democracy in America: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, exploring the positive and negative side effects of increasing competitiveness in congressional elections, and has edited two books examining service learning experiences across academic disciplines. Evans is also is the host of "Red, White, and Confused," a weekly radio show about local and national politics. She holds a BA in political science and mathematics from Berea College and a PhD in political science from Indiana University.

Paul Freedman headshot

Paul Freedman

Paul Freedman is associate professor in the department of politics at the University of Virginia. He teaches courses in public opinion, media and politics, voting behavior, research methods, and the politics of food. He is co-author of Campaign Advertising and American Democracy, and his work has also appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Communication, Campaigns and Elections, Hedgehog Review, and Slate. He serves as academic director of the Morven Summer Institute, is on the board of the Jefferson Institute, and is a senior scholar at the UVA Center for Politics. Since 2000, Freedman has been an election analyst for ABC News in New York. He holds a PhD in political science from the University of Michigan.

William Galston

William Galston

William A. Galston holds the Ezra K. Zilkha Chair in the Brookings Institution’s governance studies program, where he serves as a senior fellow. He was previously the Saul Stern Professor and acting dean at the School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, director of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, founding director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), and executive director of the National Commission on Civic Renewal. He served from 1993 to 1995 as deputy assistant to President Clinton for domestic policy and was later interviewed for the Miller Center's Bill Clinton Oral History Project. Galston has published widely and makes regular media appearances. He holds a BA from Cornell and an MA and PhD from the University of Chicago.

Guian McKee headshot

Guian McKee

Guian McKee is a professor in presidential studies at the Miller Center. He received a PhD in American history at the University of California, Berkeley, in May 2002, and is the author of Hospital City, Health Care Nation: Race, Capital, and the Costs of American Health Care (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023) and The Problem of Jobs: Liberalism, Race, and Deindustrialization in Philadelphia (University of Chicago Press, 2008). At the Miller Center, McKee co-directs the Health Care Policy Project and serves as co-chair of the Presidential Recordings Program. His research focuses on how federal policy, especially in the executive branch, plays out at the local level in American communities.

Mike Emanuel headshot

Mike Emanuel (moderator)

Mike Emanuel is chief Washington correspondent for FOX News Channel and coanchor of FOX News Live. He has provided live coverage of numerous critical national and international events, including the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol; presidential elections; both impeachments of President Donald Trump; and the execution of Iraq’s former president Saddam Hussein. He has interviewed top political figures including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, former Vice President Dick Cheney, then-President George W. Bush, then–Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and then–Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge. Emanuel received his BA in communications from Rutgers University.

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