
Intercollegiate Athletics: Their Role,Their Status,Their Future

American Forum

Intercollegiate Athletics: Their Role,Their Status,Their Future

Robert C. Khayat, Rev. Edward A Malloy

Friday, February 09, 2007
6:00AM (EST)
Event Details

Robert C. Khayat, Chancellor of the University of Mississippi, and Rev. Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C., President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, have been deeply involved in athletics. Malloy, who earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Notre Dame and a doctorate at Vanderbilt University, received the National Association of Basketball Coaches Balfour Silver Anniversary Award, given to former varsity basketball players who have distinguished themselves in civic leadership and service. Khayat, who holds degrees from Ole Miss and Yale University, and was a kicker for the Washington Redskins, is the 15th chancellor of the University of Mississippi and the only one elected to its Student Hall of Fame.

Friday, February 09, 2007
6:00AM (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Robert C. Khayat

Rev. Edward A Malloy