Ambassador William C. Battle Symposium on American Diplomacy
Reimagining nuclear deterrence
8:30AM - 12:30PM (EST)
Event Details
The 2024 Ambassador William C. Battle Symposium on American Diplomacy assesses U.S. deterrence posture in the aftermath of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and in the face of profound technological change.
The Ambassador William C. Battle Symposium on American Diplomacy is an annual Miller Center event that draws attention to topics of importance to American diplomacy and national security.
This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Battle family and the George & Judy Marcus Democracy Praxis Fund.
Audience members are encouraged to participate in these open, seminar-style discussions.
8:30–9:45 a.m. (EST)
Navigating the three body problem
The United States now faces an unprecedented situation. It must simultaneously deter both China and Russia as peer nuclear powers with novel attributes. The modern nuclear era is fundamentally different from the historical setting, and without urgent adjustments, the U.S. may be ill- prepared to address contemporary challenges. How should the U.S. manage its strategic posture to prevent future global conflict?
Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, Rebeccah Heinrichs, Frank Miller, Mara Rudman, Philip Potter (moderator)
10:00–11:15 a.m. (EST)
Assessing integrated deterrence
The Department of Defense has sought to foster "integrated deterrence" to address a complicated and multifaceted strategic environment. Has the U.S. successfully implemented the integrated, whole-of-government strategy they set out to achieve? Is integration the answer at all?
Keith Payne, Melanie Sisson, Becca Wasser, Admiral Charles Richard (moderator)
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (EST)
Eyes wide open: A threat-based view of the world
General John Hyten delivers a keynote address on the current, unprecedented threat environment faced by the U.S. and its allies, describing how we can manage adversaries with whom we also share global partnerships and discussing national security and strategic deterrence implications.
General John Hyten, Phil Potter (introduction)
8:30AM - 12:30PM (EST)
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA

Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty

Rebeccah Heinrichs

John Hyten

Frank Miller

Keith Payne

Mara Rudman

Melanie Sisson

Becca Wasser

Philip B. K. Potter (moderator)

Charles Richard (moderator)