Talking transitions: Perspectives for first- and second-term administrations
10:00AM - 1:15PM (EDT)
Event Details

The Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition hosts a virtual event on presidential transitions in association with the George & Barbara Bush Foundation, the Clinton Presidential Center, the George W. Bush Presidential Center, the Obama Foundation, and the Miller Center.
This nonpartisan event focuses on the importance of a safe and effective presidential transition to first-term and second-term administrations and features perspectives on transition planning, managing transitions during crises, and the complexities of shifting from campaigning to governing.
The Miller Center's participation is made possible thanks to the generous support of the George and Judy Marcus Democracy Praxis Fund
Event Summary
10:00–10:15 a.m. EDT: Welcome and Overview
David Marchick, Director, Center for Presidential Transition
Penny Pritzker, Secretary, Department of Commerce (2013–17)
10:15–11:05 a.m. EDT: Panel 1: White House Perspectives on Administration Transition Planning.
Former White House chiefs of staff will share their experiences preparing to take office, transitioning to a second term, planning to leave office and what to expect in 2020–2021.
Joshua Bolten, Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush (2006–09)
Andrew H. Card, Jr., Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush (2001–06)
Denis McDonough, Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama (2013–17)
Mack McLarty, Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton (1993–94)
Margaret Brennan (moderator), Face the Nation Moderator and Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, CBS News
11:05–11:55 a.m. EDT: Panel 2: Transition for Unprecedented Times.
Panelists will look at why this transition period could be the most important and consequential since 1932 and how previous crises such as the 2008 global financial crisis, national security threats and the early impacts of the current pandemic might serve as a roadmap for 2020.
Stephen J. Hadley, National Security Advisor (2005–09)
Lisa Monaco, White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor (2013–17)
John Podesta, Counselor to President Barack Obama (2014–15) and Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton (1998–01)
Barbara A. Perry, Gerald L. Baliles Professor and Director of Presidential Studies, UVA’s Miller Center
Melody Barnes (moderator), Director, Domestic Policy Council (2009–12)
11:55–12:45 p.m. EDT: Panel 3: The Transition from Campaigning to Governing.
During campaigns, candidates focus on policies and make promises to the American people. Governing requires a different focus and the preparations to take office are not always visible to the public. Panelists will discuss how a president-elect and his team make the shift from campaigning to governing—to a first or second term.
Alexis Herman, Secretary, Department of Labor (1997–01)
Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama and Director, White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs (2009–17)
Karen Hughes, Counselor to President George W. Bush (2001–02)
Margaret Spellings, Secretary, Department of Education (2005–09)
Amy Walter (moderator), National Editor, Cook Political Report and Host, Politics with Amy Walter on WNYC’s The Takeaway
Closing Remarks and Final Observations
William Antholis, Director and CEO, UVA’s Miller Center
10:00AM - 1:15PM (EDT)