Date: February 29, 1972
Time: 8:40 pm - 8:47 pm
Location: White House Telephone
The President talked with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman.
The President’s schedule
-Forthcoming trip to Florida
-Henry A. Kissinger's schedule
-Anatoliy F. Dobrynin lunch
-Use of two planes
-Staff plane
-Timing of departure
-President's plane
-Timing of departure
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower
-Rose Mary Woods
-Conversation with Haldeman
-George P. Shultz
-John D. Ehrlichman
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower
-President's schedule
-Bill signing
-Alexander P. Butterfield
-Richard G. Kleindienst
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower's view
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 10/06)
-Jeanne Ehrlichman
-Meeting with President
-Staff plane
-President's plane
-President's schedule
-Bill signing
-Meeting with John B. Connally
Hugh Scott and Michael J. Mansfield remarks from leadership conference
-Media coverage
-Los Angeles Times
-Robert Elegant column
-Ernest Ferguson's column
-Outlook for Soviet Union trip
Media relations
-General tone
-The President’s recent trip to the People’s Republic of China [PRC]
-William F. Buckley, Jr.’s view
-Patrick J. Buchanan awareness
-Talk with Haldeman
-Lawrence H. Higby
-Effect of reaction to trip
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower's view
-Camp David
-Benefits of trip
-President's schedule
-Bill signing