President’s previous interview with Howard K. Smith
-Compared with press conference
-Patrick J. Buchanan
-Raymond K. Price, Jr.
-Leonard Garment
-Smith’s questioning
-Foreign policy emphasis
-Smith compared with [Arnold] Eric Sevareid
-Length of interview
-President’s responses
-President’s demeanor
-William E. Brock, III
-John B. Connally
-Clifford M. Hardin
-Public opinion
-Camera angles
-Placement of cameras
-White House control
-Barbara Walters interview
-President’s seating position
-Hardin’s view
-White House control
-William H. Carruthers
-Placement of cameras
-Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman conversations
President’s schedule
-An announcement concerning Davis-Bacon Act, March 26, 1971
-A prison dedication in Oklahoma
-Richard G. Kleindienst
-Another Oklahoma dedication
-Oklahoma City logistics
-President’s role
-President’s role
Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 2:50 pm
-3:00 meeting
Bull left at an unknown time before 3:00 pm
President’s interview with Smith
-Public response
-White House telephone call