The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman
[Recording begins while the conversation is in progress]
President’s schedule
-Open Door Hour
-Boys Club
-Cancer Crusade
-Marguerite Piazza
-Easter Sunday
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower
-Wire story
-Ronald L. Ziegler
-President’s plan
-Notification to press pool
-Camp David
-Thurmont church
Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 3:16 pm
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 9/08)
Judge Thomas F. Murphy
-Call to President
Instructions to Ziegler
-Meeting with President
Bull left at an unknown time before 3:20 pm
-President’s Easter Sunday plans
[The President talked with Murphy between 3:20 pm and 3:21 pm]
[Conversation No. 476-26A]
[See Conversation No. 1-64]
[End of telephone conversation]
President’s schedule
-Instructions for Ziegler at forthcoming news conference
-Easter Sunday plans
-Lack of firm plans
Ziegler entered at 3:23 pm
-Gettysburg church
-Press coverage
-Camp David
-Lack of firm plans
-Possible churches
-Press coverage
-Thurmont church
-President’s visit to Saint John’s Episcopal Church
-Press coverage
-Dwight L. Chapin
-Secret Service
-Thurmont church
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 9/08)
-Possible locations
-Lack of firm plans
-Mamie G. D. Eisenhower
-Wire story
-Gettysburg church
-M. G. D. Eisenhower
-Call to the minister Conv. No. 476-26 (cont.)
-President’s plans
-Gettysburg church
-Thurmont church
-M. G. D. Eisenhower
-Lack of firm plans
-President’s plans
-Camp David
-United Press International [UPI] story
-M. G. D. Eisenhower’s plans
-J. N. and [Dwight] David Eisenhower, II
-Thelma C. (Ryan) (“Pat”) Nixon
-M. G. D. Eisenhower
-UPI story
-Camp David
-Possible churches
-Lack of firm plans
-M. G. D. Eisenhower
-Thurmont church
-Pennsylvania State University
-Possible discussion with M. G. D. Eisenhower
-Call to J. N. Eisenhower
Ziegler left at an unknown time before 3:33 pm
-Thurmont church
-Dwight D. Eisenhower