The President met with Stephen B. Bull, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Henry A. Kissinger, and Dwight
L. Chapin
President’s forthcoming meeting with Rockefeller
Bull, Kissinger, and Chapin left at 3:15 pm
Drug abuse
-Federal aid to New York
-Robert R. Douglas
-John D. Ehrlichman
-Howard H. Baker, Jr. [?]
-Federal program
-Dr. Jerome H. Jaffe
John V. Lindsay
-Dr. W. Kenneth Riland
-John N. Mitchell
-Seabury Commission
-Problems of New York City
-Hoover-type commission
Aid to New York
-Summer youth program
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 10/08)
President’s forthcoming trip to Rochester
-Paul Miller [of Associated Press ?]
New York fiscal problems
-Compared to New York City
-Revenue sharing
Property tax reform
-Wilbur D. Mills’ views
-Substitution of revenue
-Revenue sharing
State income tax levels
-Effect on New York business
-Uniform state tax structure
National economic changes
President’s foreign policy
-Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT]
-People’s Republic of China [PRC], Soviet Union
White House photographs
-Ronald L. Ziegler
Revenue sharing
-Mills’ committee
-Russell B. Long
-Democrats co-sponsoring bill
-Governors’ activities
-Richard B. Ogilvie
-Warren E. Hearnes
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 10/08)
President’s dinner for Anastasio Somoza Debayle
-Major General James D. (“Don”) Hughes
-Chancellor of University of Pittsburgh Wesley Posvar
-Marilyn Miller
-Class of 1946 West Point
Somoza Conv. No. 512-25 (cont.)
-Rockefeller’s schedule
-Dinner by President
President’s schedule
-President Emilio Garrastazu Médici of Brazil
-Soviet Union
Chamber of Commerce
-Unknown man’s talk
Ziegler and members of the press entered at 3:29 pm
[Camera noise]
Revenue sharing
The press left at 3:31 pm
-Hugh Carey’s efforts
-Popular opinion
President’s schedule
Revenue sharing
-Senate hearings
The President, Rockefeller, and Ziegler left at 3:35 pm