The President met with Gordon M. Metcalf, William M. Batten, George P. Shultz, Richard A.
Moore and Ronald L. Ziegler; the White House photographer and members of the press were
present at the beginning of the meeting.
-Geographic breakdowns
-November, 1970
-Changes over the years
-Tag line
-Potential set backs
-J.C. Penney sales
-Los Angeles
-Slight setbacks
-Stores in San Francisco
-Organized labor compared to unorganized labor
-Bargaining position
-Tax bill
-Perception of
-Effect on retail sales
-Campaign expenses
-Candidates for political office
-Methods of raising money
-Special interest groups
-The American economic system
-Predictions for Christmas season
-Boost for economy
-Wage-price freeze
-Retail forecast
-Merrill Lynch
-Stock market
-Dow exchange
-Dr. Arthur A. Fletcher [?]
-Possible trip by the President
[General conversation]
Metcalf, Batten, Shultz and Moore left at 2:42 pm.
Tax bill
-Campaign check off
-Conference committee
Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 2:42 pm.