The President met with Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Nawabzada Am Raza, and Gen. Alexander M. Haig,
Jr.; members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting.
[General conversation]
President's schedule
-John B. Connally call
-US position
-United Nations [UN]
-Bhutto’s speech
-Bhutto expresses appreciation for US support
-Bhutto previous meeting with the President
-President's visit to Pakistan in 1964
India-Pakistan relations
-Post-war difficulties
-Occupation by force
-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR]
-Middle East
-German occupation
-Joseph Stalin’s comment
-US position
-Time and the New York Times
-Press reaction
-US rationale and justification
-Internal affairs
-Balance of power
-Future of Pakistan
-In possible contrast
-President’s opinion
-PRC position in Indian Sub-continent
-Concern over violence
-Territorial integrity
-Military aid
-Economic aid to Pakistan
-Changes needed in Pakistan
“Live and let live” society
-Henry A. Kissinger
-William P. Rogers
-Physical damage
-Possibilities discussed
-US position
-Role of the UN
-Humanitarian concerns
-Possible difficulties
-US aid to Pakistan
-Amount comparison
-Help to achieve peace
-President’s advice to Bhutto
-Agha Muhommad Yahya Khan
-Nixon Doctrine
-Need for self-help