Date: March 20, 1972
Time: 8:50 am - 8:56 am
Location: Oval Office
The President met with Rose Mary Woods.
Letters and memoranda for the file
-Child at White House church service
-Classmates signatures
-The President's response
An unknown person entered and left at an unknown time before 8:56 am.
Forthcoming White House dinner
[No conversation]
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth
-Henry A. Kissinger
-Mr. and Mrs. John B. Connally
-Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller
-Mr. and Mrs. Hobart D. (“Hobe”) Lewis
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Alsop
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Marriott
-Date and time
-The President’s schedule
-Other individuals' schedule