The President’s schedule
-John D. Ehrlichman
-Meeting with bipartisan Congressional leaders
The President’s trip to Soviet Union
-Speech by the President
-Haldeman’s view
-Media coverage
-Points stressed
-American strength
-Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon
-Women's reactions
-Charles W. Colson's view
-Vice President of US Steel Corporation
Kissinger entered at 9:50 am.
-Mrs. Nixon's impression
Kissinger's schedule
Pace of trip
-William P. Rogers
-Strategic Arms and Limitation Treaty [SALT]
-Meeting with Soviet leaders
-Kissinger’s view
The President's schedule
-Meeting with congressional leaders
-The president's strategy
-Points to discuss
-People’s Republic of China [PRC]
-Soviet Union
-Kissinger’s briefing
-The president's input
-Kissinger’s role
-The President's image
Briefings on the President's previous trip to the Soviet Union
-Kissinger's briefing
-Function of summit
-The President's role
-Incident at sea agreement
-Middle East
-Effect of President’s involvement
-Statement of principles
-Jacob D. Beam and Andrei A. Gromykko
-Input to press
-Max Frankel
-Time the President spent in meetings
-Compared to diplomatic notes
-Summit meetings
-Soviet statements on summit success