About this recording WILLIAM RABORN ABE FORTAS May 19, 1965 Adm. William F. Raborn Jr. Abraham "Abe" Fortas American Defense and Security Latin America and the Caribbean Citation Number: 7907 FORTAS DISCUSSES NEED TO HAVE FBI AND CIA CHECK ON POSSIBLE COMMUNIST AFFILIATION OF CABINET APPOINTEES IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC; RABORN TELLS FORTAS HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN REPORT TO BILL MOYERS, JACK VALENTI Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with WILLIAM RABORN and ABE FORTAS Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY and ABE FORTAS, May 18, 1965 Next Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR, OFFICE CONVERSATION and GEORGE REEDY More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED MALE audio icon Conversation with GEORGE BALL and BILL MOYERS audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR, OFFICE CONVERSATION and GEORGE REEDY audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK, BILL MOYERS, GEORGE BALL and GEORGE REEDY, May 20, 1965 audio icon Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED MALE audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR and ABE FORTAS audio icon Conversation with BILL MOYERS audio icon Conversation with JAIME BENITEZ, TELEPHONE OPERATOR and ABE FORTAS audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, May 21, 1965 audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR and ABE FORTAS audio icon