About this recording 23–158 Anne Kibrick White House operator President Richard M. Nixon May 4, 1972 Anne Kibrick White House Operator Richard M. Nixon Conversation No. 23-158 Date: May 4, 1972 Time: Unknown between 3:55 and 5:15 pm Location: Old Executive Office Building Henry A. Kissinger talked with the White House operator. [See also Conversation No. 334-44G] Request for a call to Thomas H. Moorer 104 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 1/13) Kissinger conferred with the President at an unknown time. [See Conversation No. 334-44G] [End of conferral] Kissinger talked with Moorer. Moorer's meeting with Kissinger -Confidentiality -Moorer's meeting with unknown Taiwan, Republic of China admiral Secret White House Tapes | Richard M. Nixon Presidency 23–158 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous 718–9 Next 336–1 More Richard M. Nixon Recordings View all Richard M. Nixon tapes 336–1 audio icon 100–1 audio icon 720–1 audio icon 100–10 audio icon 720–10 audio icon 100–11 audio icon 720–11 audio icon 720–12 audio icon 720–13 audio icon 720–14 audio icon